In the Life of an Aggie

Thursday, September 26, 2013

#comeonandslam #welcometothejam

When I was a little girl, I definitely had my few favorite movies that I watched all the time. Lion King, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, and Space Jam.
Well tonight at the TSC, I got to relive a little part of my childhood. Space Jam is seriously one of the greatest movies EVER. 

Michael Jordan is THE man.

And the music is fantastic!
You can even ask Anna Black! I can sing this entire song.

And when I was little I had a Lola Bunny shirt that I loved to wear!
(I am going to have to try to find a picture of this when I go home.)

Bfrt... I love Space Jam.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Trying To Play Catch-Up part 1

The Best Summer One D Ever Had
This summer I had the opportunity to work at as a counselor at Oakcrest which is an LDS girls camp. I spent 11 weeks in Kamas, UT. I took care of 8-14--I know that sounds like a lot and it was a lot some weeks--13 and 14 year old girls. And for those 11 weeks my name was One D. It was the hardest but most rewarding experience I have ever had.

I love these ladies so much!

Sometimes we make it a competition to see who can lick the most elbows...

Sometimes you win Camp Clue... And it makes playing Camp Clue actually worth it haha

 Or you take cute pictures on the slides

Or you brush your teeth with ash

And get all foamy from the foam slide.

You also get a lot of love smashes

And you get to hold butterflies

And you try to fit as many people as you can on the slides.

Sometimes you even find the D-Ship sleeping in the middle of the day

And you dress up like the Grinch with all your Cindy Lou Whos and Max

And you hike all the way to Lonely Tree on the mountain top. And then you sign it.

It was seriously the best.

I definitely had my best weeks and my worst weeks. But I know that I was there for a purpose. I definitely learned a lot about myself. I learned that I can do hard things. I learned that I really am not supposed to go on a mission. I learned that my Father in Heaven loves me very much and that He is very aware of me, my wants and my needs. And I hope one day that I will get to return to that fantastic place and do more marvelous work there.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Wow I really need to write more...

So many things have happened since I last wrote. But I am too busy right now to write everything. So I will do it later. But I am so surprised to see how many page views I still get daily and I haven't posted anything... So yeah. I will post a lot of stories soon!