In the Life of an Aggie

Saturday, November 8, 2014


I love to "liken the scriptures" unto myself (1 Nephi 19:23).
It is almost becoming an obsession of mine.
Sometimes I even cross out "son" and replace it with "daughter" or I will cross out someone's name and put in my name.
And as I have "likened the scriptures" unto myself, I have been able to gain a better understanding of the scriptures and have been able to strengthen my relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

A week and a half ago, I flipped open my scriptures to a random page and the first scripture I read was Alma 42:1.

"And now, my [daughter], I perceive there is something more which doth worry your mind which ye cannot understand..."

Woah. It is always nice to be reassured that Heavenly Father does know what your problems, struggles and stressors are. He is always aware of us. He really does know what is going on in our lives and the desires of our heart. And I am so thankful for a God who is aware of me and my wants and my struggles because I know that if I put my trust in Him, He will guide me back to Him and will carry me through those trials. He is always walking beside me. 

This last summer, the theme at Oakcrest was "Walk Beside Me," and almost every week during FHE, Pogo would quote this poem.

Footprints in the Sand

By Mary Stevenson

One night I had a dream–
I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord
and across the sky flashed scenes from my life.
For each scene I noticed two sets of footprints,
one belonged to me and the other to the Lord.
When the last scene of my life flashed before me,
I looked back at the footprints in the sand.
I noticed that many times along the path of my life,
there was only one set of footprints.
I also noticed that it happened at the very lowest
and saddest times in my life.
This really bothered me and I questioned the Lord about it.
“Lord, you said that once I decided to follow you,
you would walk with me all the way,
but I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life
there is only one set of footprints.
“I don’t understand why in times when I needed you most,
you should leave me.”
The Lord replied, “My precious, precious child,
I love you and I would never, never leave you
during your times of trial and suffering.
“When you saw only one set of footprints,
it was then that I carried you.”

Our Savior is always walking beside us and knows our pains and fears and trials because He performed the atonement. And our Father in Heaven knows aware of our lives as well. The two are always there to lead us, guide us and walk beside us on the path back to them. 

And all of this came about, because I likened the beginning of one verse unto myself.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Giant Foot Crusher

Once upon a time...
It was Halloween night and my friends and I decided we should go to the institute dance because probably no one will be there. 
The entire world was there. 
At least that is what it seemed like. 
So my friends and I were trying to find an open area on the dance floor so we could party. 
So we were dancing through the crowds having a great time. 
And that's when I saw the perfect dancing spot. 
So of course I dance my way over there as quickly as possible so it doesn't get taken by any other students. 
Right as I was about to break through the crowd to the perfect spot, an extremely tall and large man much bigger than I am was definitely getting his groove on and danced backward, crushing my foot. 
I definitely don't know who he is or what he even looks like. I just know he was a gigantic foot crusher. 
And because I am dumb and have FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) I continued to dance. 
And then we went to another dance. 
And I continued to dance. 
Probably shouldn't have done it. 
But it builds character, right?
But my foot is definitely swollen. And many colors. And I can't move my toes. 

(Also. I was a pile of cats for Halloween.)

So then this morning when I got to my parents house, I told my mom what happend. 
She laughed and thought it was fantastic. And she was convinced that this gigantic foot crusher is supposedly my future husband. But that ain't happenin'. 
But in fear of it being broken, I went to the doctor and had x-rays done which was way fun. 
But the doctor said that it isn't broken. 
Wut... Okay if you say so...
So now I am wearing an orthopedic shoe which looked kind of like the bottom part of a boot. 
It's quite the fashion statement. 
And I will be rockin' it for a little while. 

Thursday, October 30, 2014


Brian Champagne is the killer of all hopes and dreams.
Just kidding but not kidding at the same time.
Brian Champagne is a great professor.
I love being one of his broadcasting students.
BUT. there's always a but.
Because I am so close to graduating and have just a couple of classes left to take
I can't go to England
Because Brian Champagne won't teach a certain class until next fall.
Which is when I was going to go.
And this class is usually taught both semesters.
But not any more.
Of all hopes and dreams.
Brian Champagne.

I promise.
I will be fine.
After I have watched all episodes of Downton Abbey, Pride and Prejudice and Austenland and have listened to every One Direction song.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

My life is an ongoing, ever changing adventure

Welp. Big things are about to happen. Some are pretty crazy. And I feel like I need to get a few of them written down somewhere. 

1. I am living on a "nun island" right now #foreveralone. 
      Well not for forever. But for a while. Because I want to do so many things right now.
2. Would I be crazy if I said I want to go back to Oakcrest this next summer?
      If it doesn't work out that's fine. But I really want to go back. Because it's literally the best summer job EVER. And it's so much fun to serve the Lord and share the gospel with awesome 13-year-old campers! #weloveoakcrest 
      But if that doesn't work out, I can do some other grand adventure life EFY or an internship so...
3. Ummmm. Maybe I have decided to go study abroad next fall. 
      Yep. That's right. I definitely said that. Study abroad. To ENGLAND. I know. I'm freaking out too. I was at work and had this super random thought that came from nowhere that said to look into the study abroad programs at USU. So I did. And I got really excited about it. And my mom thinks it's a good idea. MY MOM. So yeah. It's not 100% set in stone. But it's getting there. I'm so stinking excited.

#NUNISLAND4LYFE jk...just until I get back from England.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

#Hashtag #Oakcrest2014 #bestsummerever

It's about time that I wrote a blog post. And of course it has to be about the best summer ever!

Oakcrest Round 2:

It was definitely the best summer of my life. I was able to meet so many young women and teach them and love them more than I can explain. Oh man. I just love and miss my girls so much. All I want in life is to go back. Because hanging out with 13-year-olds is the best! 
Bfrt. This summer was amazing. I thought my first year was the best ever but it didn't even compare to this summer. I have never felt the spirit so strong. I did not think my testimony could grow as much as it did. This summer, I really learned about my divine nature and individual worth as a daughter of my Heavenly Father and the infinite love that He has for me. Getting to teach the gospel to these beautiful daughters of God was so much fun and so rewarding. I can easily say that many of my best friends are 13-year-old girls. It is amazing how much love you can have for 85 completely different girls. It is indescribable! 



And sometimes your sister comes up to camp and you get to do the foam slide with her!







Sunday, April 6, 2014

Thursday, March 6, 2014

THE Flat Top

Sean Harris: 
just favorited and retweeted my tweet. 
I feel so cool!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Coach's Daughter Probs

Since it is the month of March and Selection Sunday is less than two weeks away...
My dad is a college basketball coach. And he is a really good one. He isn't famous like Coach Krzyzewski, Roy Williams or Coach Calipari. But he is a great coach.
Being the daughter of a basketball coach, you would expect me to be pretty skilled in the area of basketball.
That is most certainly not the case.
I can talk sports all day long.
I mean, I am studying to be a sports broadcaster.
And the last two years, I have been the First Loser in the McIllece Family Bracketology competition.
So close to winning the trophy!
One day I will win.
Hopefully this year.
But I am SO horrible at playing basketball.
I am horrible at any sport and every sport.
I am not even kidding.
My younger siblings are all super athletic.
They kick my butt in Horse, Lightning and Around the World.
And every other sport too...
I only played basketball for one year growing up and I hated it.
I made one basket the entire season.
Hahaha so sad...
I would much rather watch and be the cheerleader because everyone needs one.
And yell at the refs.
That is always fun too!
But I have learned to embrace my horribleness.
And tonight, I did the best I have EVER done in a game of Lightning.
I made it through 4 rounds!
That is seriously unheard of.
AND I got someone out.
That is even bigger.
Like I'm not kidding.
I am so proud of myself tonight.

Oakcrest. Round TWO!

On February 22, I got a phone call from Pogo saying I get to be a second year counselor at Oakcrest!!!
Guys. You don't even understand how excited I am for this! This summer cannot come fast enough.

Brushing your teeth with ashes makes your teeth whiter hahaha 

On your mark...

Foam slide! Foam slide! Foam slide!

Love Smashes are the best!

I held a butterfly. How cool is that?!

How many people can you fit on the slides?

I love these girls. Love. Love. Love them.

Thank goodness for name changes... I can never. Ever. EVER. be One D again. Like I like listening to One Direction. But those girls are on a whole other level. One of my campers told me the exact time each member was born and their blood types. I don't even know my own blood type. So I am going to be #Hashtag this year!

I loved my campers so much! Each and every one of them. I am so happy that I get to go back and hang out with 13 year-old girls all summer. I know. I am crazy for even wanting it. But last summer was the best summer of my life. It was definitely the hardest thing I have ever done. If I told you just a little bit of what happened last summer, you would definitely think I was crazy for wanting to go back. But I learned so much about myself and the gospel. It was such a great opportunity to serve the Lord and teach the gospel to those girls. I am so thankful that I get the opportunity to do it again. Here is to the best summer ever!!!

Friday, January 3, 2014

I just need to say something

I am so thankful that I have a Heavenly Father who knows me so well and knows what is best for me and knows what I need in life and will guide me and direct me on the right path. It is so amazing. Heavenly Father loves us so much. He wants the best for us. He will always guide us down the right path even though we may have to struggle or be confused. But He will always justify those hardships because He knows what is best.
And that is something I am grateful for.


2014 is seriously going to be the best year ever.
I get a fresh new start with just about everything in my life.
It's so fantastic.
I haven't been this happy in a long while.
Let 2014 begin!