In the Life of an Aggie

Thursday, March 6, 2014

THE Flat Top

Sean Harris: 
just favorited and retweeted my tweet. 
I feel so cool!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Coach's Daughter Probs

Since it is the month of March and Selection Sunday is less than two weeks away...
My dad is a college basketball coach. And he is a really good one. He isn't famous like Coach Krzyzewski, Roy Williams or Coach Calipari. But he is a great coach.
Being the daughter of a basketball coach, you would expect me to be pretty skilled in the area of basketball.
That is most certainly not the case.
I can talk sports all day long.
I mean, I am studying to be a sports broadcaster.
And the last two years, I have been the First Loser in the McIllece Family Bracketology competition.
So close to winning the trophy!
One day I will win.
Hopefully this year.
But I am SO horrible at playing basketball.
I am horrible at any sport and every sport.
I am not even kidding.
My younger siblings are all super athletic.
They kick my butt in Horse, Lightning and Around the World.
And every other sport too...
I only played basketball for one year growing up and I hated it.
I made one basket the entire season.
Hahaha so sad...
I would much rather watch and be the cheerleader because everyone needs one.
And yell at the refs.
That is always fun too!
But I have learned to embrace my horribleness.
And tonight, I did the best I have EVER done in a game of Lightning.
I made it through 4 rounds!
That is seriously unheard of.
AND I got someone out.
That is even bigger.
Like I'm not kidding.
I am so proud of myself tonight.

Oakcrest. Round TWO!

On February 22, I got a phone call from Pogo saying I get to be a second year counselor at Oakcrest!!!
Guys. You don't even understand how excited I am for this! This summer cannot come fast enough.

Brushing your teeth with ashes makes your teeth whiter hahaha 

On your mark...

Foam slide! Foam slide! Foam slide!

Love Smashes are the best!

I held a butterfly. How cool is that?!

How many people can you fit on the slides?

I love these girls. Love. Love. Love them.

Thank goodness for name changes... I can never. Ever. EVER. be One D again. Like I like listening to One Direction. But those girls are on a whole other level. One of my campers told me the exact time each member was born and their blood types. I don't even know my own blood type. So I am going to be #Hashtag this year!

I loved my campers so much! Each and every one of them. I am so happy that I get to go back and hang out with 13 year-old girls all summer. I know. I am crazy for even wanting it. But last summer was the best summer of my life. It was definitely the hardest thing I have ever done. If I told you just a little bit of what happened last summer, you would definitely think I was crazy for wanting to go back. But I learned so much about myself and the gospel. It was such a great opportunity to serve the Lord and teach the gospel to those girls. I am so thankful that I get the opportunity to do it again. Here is to the best summer ever!!!