In the Life of an Aggie

Monday, March 25, 2013

Keep Calm and Carry On

There are many things in my life where I fall short and need to be taught something by the Lord.  Sometimes I do not understand why I have to be taught the same thing over and over and over again.  It feels like I have it mastered but then something else gets thrown at me and I have to go through the whole process again.  And right now, I am struggling to understand why I have to keep learning this.
What I am struggling with is patience, particularly patience to find out the unknown.  Recently I have just felt like I am living in the unknown, waiting for Heavenly Father to direct me on the path in which I am supposed to go.  And it is hard.  It is the worst feeling ever.  Limbo.

I know Heavenly Father has a huge, wonderful, glorious plan for me.  But I feel like I am stuck.
Have you ever seen a starting gate of a horse race?  There are about twelve to fourteen gate lined up in a row.  The horse enters into the gate from the back, where the front is locked with an electric lock.  Then when the starter is satisfied with all the horses in their place and ready to start, he presses a button.  That button stops the current of electricity in each lock and the doors open all at the same time and the race is on.  But I feel like my lock is not working.  I am stuck in the starting gate while everyone else is out there racing.

But not only is my lock not working, my lock is different from everyone else's lock because mine has a secret combination.  And only I am able to unlock it.  Except I do not know the combination.  But the Lord does.  And as I am fiddling with the lock, struggling to open it, the Lord is giving me hints to that combination.  There are times where I feel like I am so close to figuring it out and opening that lock.  But then I am proven wrong, and I am nowhere near opening that lock.

Then today while I was at my grandparent's house, I noticed this framed in my grandpa's office:

That. Right there. That is just what I am going to do.

Friday, March 15, 2013

My Adventurous Spring Break...So Far...

So I am sitting here looking at a blinking cursor while Hayley KRogers is laughing at me and my misspelled words and my inability to figure out what I want to blog about...

So here are the random things that have happened the last few days in no particular order because that makes me have to use my brain a little more than I want to right now because I'm tired!

Welcome to SAN DIEGO!!!!
  • Hayley Rogers hacked me today. BUT it wasn't a blog hack so... yeah :)
  • I love the movie Hitch
  • I bought a "drug rug" 20 miles north of Tijuana, Mexico...hahahaha
  • I got sea sick on the USS Midway while it was in port.
  • I thought a real man was a mannequin and it really scared me... like REALLY scared me... you can even ask Hayley KRogers... Hayley wishes she had a video of it to watch it over and over and over again.
  • I feel bad for every boy who is taller than me and had to or will ever have to walk through the USS Midway because I was almost too tall for just about ever part of the carrier...

  • I had a dream last night where I had seven dwarfs, a pet dragon, and I was the Bachelorette and the three remaining guys were all guys on their missions.
  • Missions! We went to the Mormon Battalion site in Old Town. And it was pretty cool! I could definitely serve a mission there.
  • We met a lot of people from Utah State there too... CRAY CRAY!
  • A short little Mexican man serenaded Hayley KRogers, her mom, and I while we were eating our lunch... I am a giant...

  • We randomly found Mark today while driving to Mission Beach and stopped to say hi to him. Hayley and I decided we need to got to Lacrosse games more...
  • I got sunburned in really random spots. Well maybe not random, but only one of my thighs got burned compared to the other... I know... weird! It is the only part that really hurts, but I am no where being as burned as Hayley KRogers hahahaha she is like a lobster....
  • We went to Coronado beach and laid out next to the famous Coronado Hotel. It was pretty cool, and  the beach wasn't busy at all! Except for the STUPID birds...

  • The Birds... They could smell mine and Hayley KRogers' food... They went for Hayley KRogers' food first.... He ate a part of the box, then the bun, then the meat and then I threw the french fries at them as they kept coming and swarming our little circle of towels... So then I picked up her box and threw it in the trash. Then I turned around and the stupid bird went for my food! He didn't get to it but I threw it away before I had to throw more french fries... 
  • I got an awesome cupcake from Coronado too. Yumm :)
  • We went and did baptisms at the San Diego temple. Definitely one of the coolest experiences ever! That temple is beautiful!!!