In the Life of an Aggie

Monday, April 29, 2013

New Celebrity Crush

So last friday He Is We, The Ready Set, and Parachute came to Utah State and performed for us since it was the friday before finals.  My friends and I got there early so we could be on the floor and be in the mosh pit and be close to the bands. Lets just say I had like two people in front of me and then it was the stage.
Well He Is We was really good! I really enjoyed them. A lot! I knew most of their songs. They put on a great show. They were awesome.
The Ready Set performed and they were ok.  Fed Ex lost all their equiptment so they had to play acoustic...
THEN Parachute came out. Holy. Cow. I. Love. Parachute. I mean I had liked them a lot before the concert, but know I LOVE THEM. Especially this man... Will Anderson

I was literally that close to him. Like my friend took this picture.

This is a picture of him in the Spectrum that Parachute posted.

Ummm. Yeah.  I'm usually not into the punk rocker type but OH MY GOODNESS he is one attractive man. And he sings. And he sings beautifully. He is my ringtone. 
I cannot wait for their new album coming out in June... 
Here is one of their new songs that I am obsessed with.

And here are my friends and I before we left.

Yeah... I love me some Will Anderson from Parachute.

That awkward moment when...

As I was taking my chemistry final, I heard this little thud.  Then I realized there was only one of my flip flops in front of me.  My shoe had fallen behind the seat in front of me.  So I finished my test and gathered all my stuff together and then sat there trying how to nonchalantly get my shoe.  I finally just gave up and realized how dumb I would look no matter what I did.  So I just got on my knees and reached down through the seat in the row in front of me and quickly grabbed my shoe.  I totally got some weird looks.
So embarrasing... Hahaha not really.

The best break from studying for finals... Ever.

So finals week begins in three minutes from right when I typed this. 
But this last week was dead week.
Well my friends and I have been renting the tandem bikes all week from Aggie Blue Bikes because tandem bikes are the best! They just bring so much happiness! We were lucky enough to get both tandem bikes for the entire weekend!
But tonight was the last night that we had them.
We are quite depressed about it.
So we have been riding them just about whenever we can.
Well I have a pretty hard final in nine and a half hours and have been studying a lot today. 
So I decided that I wanted to go for a tandem bike ride.
But not just any tandem bike ride.
A tandem bike ride with a boy.
I know...
Just kidding!
So I texted the boy I went on that Walk 'n' Talk with a few days ago and asked him to come with me.
I successfully convinced him to come.
Which is quite an achievement.
He even texted me back about ten minutes after I asked him.
Which is an even greater achievement.
So then we got to the tandem bike.
Lets just say he was kind of a baby about it.
He was extremely worried that we would crash and die.
And he wouldn't let me drive it.
But we finally got going.
We biked around for a few minutes trying to figure out where to go.
Then we decided to bike across the grass of The Quad.
But he switched the gears from like six to one and the chain fell off.
So we had to stop in the middle of the grass to fix it.
We biked around some more and just talked.
Then we decided to go ride through the cemetery.
But before we got to the cemetery, we rode by the Legacy Fields.
I had told him my first time being on those fields, I did a cartwheel.
So he decided he wanted to do a cartwheel on the fields.
So we stopped.
Then he decided he wanted to have a cartwheel race.
So I agreed to participate in this race.
Well he won.
Then we were really dizzy and tried to spin backwards.
But it didn't really work.
I just got more confused.
So then we got back on the tandem.
And rode through the pitch black cemetery.
It was really creepy.
And it was kind of weird that there were some graves with those little solar lights.
He told me that if I ever have anything to do with his funeral, to not ever put a light at his grave.
That was kind of weird.
Then we made it safely out of the cemetery and rode back to our dorm.
So yeah!
It was so fun!
I am so glad that I was able to convince him to go with me!
Pretty much the best break from studying.

Well it is officially finals week...
Happy Finals Week. And may the odds be ever in your favor.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Oh man...

Oh beautiful man! Michael Buble! He could sing to me any day! His voice is gorgeous! Oh man! 

I think I would melt if he sang to me.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

How do you decide who to marry?

So my friends and I are all in the stage of life where we are dating and checking out guys and wondering who we are going to marry.  Well this link just popped up on my news feed on Facebook.
(I copied and pasted the quotes on the link to the blog)

HOW DO YOU DECIDE WHO TO MARRY? (written by kids)

A group of young kids were asked how to decide who to marry and here are the results which are pretty amusing.

(1) You got to find somebody who likes the same stuff. Like, if you like sports, she should like it that you like sports, and she should keep the chips and dip coming.
- Alan, age 10
(2) No person really decides before they grow up who they’re going to marry. God decides it all way before, and you get to find out later who you’re stuck with.
- Kristen, age 10


(1) Twenty-three is the best age because you know the person FOREVER by then.
- Camille, age 10
(2) No age is good to get married at. You got to be a fool to get married.
- Freddie, age 6 (very wise for his age)


(1) You might have to guess, based on whether they seem to be yelling at the same kids.
- Derrick, age 8


(1) Both don’t want any more kids.
- Lori, age 8


(1) Dates are for having fun, and people should use them to get to know each other. Even boys have something to say if you listen long enough.
- Lynnette, age 8 (isn’t she a treasure)
(2) On the first date, they just tell each other lies and that Usually gets them interested enough to go for a second date.
- Martin, age 10


(1) I’d run home and play dead. The next day I would call all the newspapers and make sure they wrote about me in all the dead columns.
-Craig, age 9


(1) When they’re rich.
- Pam, age 7
(2) The law says you have to be eighteen, so I wouldn’t want to mess with that.
- Curt, age 7
(3) The rule goes like this: If you kiss someone, then you should marry them and have kids with them. It’s the right thing to do.
- Howard, age 8


(1) I don’t know which is better, but I’ll tell you one thing. I’m never going to have sex with my wife. I don’t want to be all grossed out.
- Theodore, age 8
(2) It’s better for girls to be single but not for boys. Boys need someone to clean up after them.
- Anita, age 9 (bless you child)


(1) There sure would be a lot of kids to explain, wouldn’t there?
- Kelvin, age 8
And the #1 Favorite is……..


(1) Tell your wife that she looks pretty, even if she looks like a truck.
- Ricky, age 10

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

I would say today was a very successful day.

1. Wore my cute new skirt
2. Looked super cute in my cute new skirt
3. Went to class--Last day of Sports Psych :(
4. Got a new dress and belt in the mail
5. Watched a chem lecture
6. Went on a Walk 'n' Talk with a boy who is a total catch but doesn't realize it
7. Hung out at 210
8. Threw water balloons at Anna, Hayley, and the boy I went on the Walk 'n' Talk with
9. Changed Anna's relationship status on Facebook
10. Changed Anna's relationship status back to 'single' after thirty seconds
11. Ate delicious soup that Chaia made
12. Cleaned the Sink at Angie's with Charlotte, Hayley, Chaia, Anna, Liisa, and Maddie
13. Rode the tandem bike around campus with Anna
14. Watched more chem lectures
15. Wrote this blog post
Yup I would say today was pretty successful! :)

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Elder Carlile

Most of you have never heard of Elder Carlile.  If you have, there is a good chance you don't know the whole story of Elder Carlile.  But a few select people do.  And I am not going to tell you the whole story, but here is a little part of it.

Elder Carlile is my best friend.  We have been friends since the second to last day of 7th grade.  And then two and a half months later, I moved to Louisiana.  But throughout living in Louisiana and Wyoming, we wrote, texted, and called each other a lot and became really close.  He knows everything about me and I know everything about him.  He was always there for me when I needed help or someone to talk to and I was always there for him.  He is one of those friends that I do not know what I would do without.  He always makes me feel special.  He is such a good example to me.  He has such a strong testimony of the Gospel.  I could go on and on about him.

Well today, I got my first letter from Elder Carlile :) He is serving in Spokane, Washington.

To say the least, I was running and jumping and squealing and I think I got a weird look from Boy Taylor.
It seriously made my whole day better.  I haven't stopped smiling since :)  

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Holy cow! I am writing this from my kindle! Technology is so cool!

Monday, April 15, 2013

This Post Is For Hayley K. Rogers aka STOOB

Dear Stoob,
Thank you for being awesome. You are pretty much the best! I don't know what I would do without you. Thank you for always having funny stories for me and for keeping me entertained... Even though that isn't too hard to do... hahaha I can't wait to live with you until we get married, but not to each other. That would be really weird. 
So because you are so awesome, I dedicate this youtube video to you (since you haven't seen it yet and it is hysterical!).

I hope you just laughed as much as I do every time I watch this :)

***Updated after I found this! This one is definitely for you, Stoob!

Keep Calm and Carry On Part Two

A few weeks ago I wrote a post titled "Keep Calm and Carry On."  I was definitely at a low point in my life. I was struggling.  I did not know what to do.  I was stuck.

One thing I was really struggling with was deciding whether or not to serve an LDS Mission and dedicate eighteen months of my life to the Lord and spreading the Gospel to the world.  When the mission age change announcement was made, I had no desire to go on a mission.  But towards the middle of February I had begun receiving promptings and feelings that I needed to go on a mission.  I had prayed, fasted, went to the temple, and sought guidance from church leaders and my parents multiple times, whether or not to go on a mission, but I was not getting an answer.  It was always blank.

Well March 28, 2013, Hayley, Anna and I had a meeting with Bishop Harding to be set apart as counselors at the LDS Oakcrest camp for this summer.  As we were talking with Bishop before being set apart, I could feel the Spirit so strong and knew something was going to happen.  I had no idea what it was but I just had a good feeling.  Hayley and Anna both received their blessings and I was last.  I knew Bishop had to be the one to give me my blessing, I did not know why but I just knew it.  In my blessing, Bishop addressed my concerns and needs for working at Oakcrest, but then towards the end of my blessing, he said something along the lines of "think of Oakcrest as your mission."  I was in tears.  I knew right then that that was what I needed to do.  I did not need to go on a mission.  It is not what I am supposed to do.  Heavenly Father has something else in store for me.  I can not tell you how happy, excited, calm, nervous, and overwhelmed I was all at that moment.

"In that I command thee this day to love the Lord thy God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commandments and his statutes and his judgments, that thou mayest live and multiply: and the Lord thy God shall bless thee in the land whither thou goest to possess it."--Deuteronomy 30:16

This experience was such a testimony to me about how Heavenly Father really does know us and he does love us and he knows our concerns and needs.  He really does have a plan for each and every one of us and if we listen to the Spirit, we will be guided down that path that He has planned for us.  Heavenly Father loves to bless us.  He really does.  I love Heavenly Father so much and am glad that I had this opportunity to listen to the Spirit and learn from Him.

Best Thirty Minutes Ever!

So after class every day, I always check the mail. Usually there is just junk mail or nothing so I wasn't getting my hopes up or anything.  But today, I opened the mailbox  and sitting right there was a letter to me from Elder Michael Rulez Morgan! I was literally skipping and jumping back to my room. To say the least, I was excited! Then as I was eating my lunch, I got a phone call from Hayley saying that she received a letter from Sister Sam Shurtleff and that in that envelope there was a letter for ME! TWO LETTERS IN ONE DAY! This never happens!

 So yeah. Today had a pretty great morning :)
Holy Cow! Who is looking at my blog? haha My page views are higher than ever but my regulars are all on LDS Missions! Crazy!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

I need to get out sometime

I seriously need to get out of my apartment... I have been in here pretty much all day for the last three days.  Tuesday I had a migraine all day so I pretty much slept all day Tuesday.  Wednesday I tried to study for chemistry but instead watched Lost but I fell asleep pretty early.  Today I have pretty much been in my room since 9:15 this morning. I watched 6 chemistry lectures today. SIX! I am on chemistry overload... I did at least shower and read my scriptures. But holy cow. I need to get out every once in a while. I really want to go for a walk or a bike ride on campus right now because according to my computer it is 56 degrees at 11:25 at night, but it is night time and I don't want some creeper creepin' on me or anything like that.  I just need a boyfriend...